Deliver a customised payment experience to your customers’ devices instantly.

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Rethink how you reward.

Revolutionise the way you can connect with customers.

Simpler, faster digital payments technology.

Vault enables you to engage, incentivise and reward your customers with a secure and seamless financial product, tailored to fit your needs.

We deliver instant branded rewards to your customers’ devices, delivering revolutionary solutions to boost engagement at events, deliver instant cash back programs, manage payments for insurance and market research, issue gift cards and more.

Our Products

Our Products

Our Solutions

Our Solutions

Our Work

Our Work

End to End

Concepting to Consumer delivery, Vault can deliver an efficient end to end consumer journey.

Nimble and quick to market

Partner with the leading payments team. Make a real and lasting impact with your customers with fully branded payments sent straight to their mobile device.

Peace of Mind

The Vault team have experience across the marketing, fintech and technology industries.

Instant Delivery

Connect to our Vault Enterprise API for the ability to deliver digital branded payments on demand.


From App SDK integration to geolocating consumer spending, we tailor our solutions to suit you.


We are Australia’s leading provider of secure, mobile payments, and are at the forefront of digital reward innovation.

Self Serve

We’ll hand you the keys, giving you full control to instantly distribute customised payments through a secure, easy-to-use interface.

Group 13

Digital Gifting

Vault's superior product suite has delivered 1,000s of rewards across industries via B2B and B2C.

About Us

Vault Payment Solutions helps businesses engage, retain and incentivise their customers instantly, with simple, safe & secure digital payment solutions. Founded in 2019, we are Australia’s leading provider of secure, mobile payments, and are at the forefront of digital reward innovation. In partnership with our clients, Vault's superior product suite has delivered 1,000s of rewards across industries via B2B and B2C.

  • Technology has revolutionised digital payments
  • Rewards are driving customer switching behaviour
  • Leveraging these trends gives your business a competitive edge

Rewards payment technology simplified

Our Vault Management Portal (VMP) is our delivery engine designed to empower your business and streamline your digital operations. VMP enables clients to take complete control of their gift card dispatch, effortlessly manage customer service, and efficiently handle floats through a secure, easy-to-use interface

  • Load branded digital Mastercards yourself via the online portal
  • Load via an API
  • Let a Vault Payment Solutions staff member take care of the process for you

Brands we've worked with

Just some of the globally pioneering brands that we’ve worked with to date.